Thursday, November 17, 2005

Jerrys orphans in Chicago - With Edited Audio

Orphans in Chicago shut down Lewis
On Wednesday night, 12 disability activists shut down a speech by MDA telethon host Jerry Lewis. While many sites are reported that the disabled protesters may have "walked out and drove home" This is a bulls**t lie. Lewis is extremely RUDE to the folks, and shows even more of his hatred to all things "crip." Yeah, we know who led the protests, no, noone was arrested.

Lewis censored himself by refusing to address the crowd, It is rediculous to say he cares about his kids. I think is is really rediculous when Jerry Lewis Fans are so blinded by their own ineptitude to consider MS a "type of MD" and "well my mother used a chair as she was elderly" as definitive knowledge of MD, or having a loved one with MD.

Folks - My best friend had MD, as did over a dozen of my closed friends (THE ONLY downside to crip summer camp.) So do not even try to get into an argument about the merits of criticizing Lewis.


-September 2, 1990 Parade Magazine Article

-Jerry Lewis Fans

-Alternative to MDA

-The Kids Are All Right