Tuesday, June 27, 2006

because we all need a cure...

ARGH! Sitting in the waiting room trying to get pain relief for my broken toe (silly accident details withheld) I came across this ad for "The Cleveland Clinic" which touts implants for brain activity for individuals with Parkinsons disease. Now, granted, it is a devasting disease, but do you really need to pour over how you can not play Cholin anymore? I mean, i began to wonder if this type of technology existed for CP, Then, amoungst the rediculous amounts of stuff that has been in my inbox - maybe we just need cures, because killing kids with autism makes no sense to me, but curing my cp doesnt either. Maybe, I'm the problem, *I* need to be cured. I dont know why I was so infuriated, but dammit, when kids are being killed because their mothers feel that mercury immunizations cause autism, yet people completely disregard the autism community in general, something is wrong.
The complete other side of this debate happened a few hours earlier, while listening to NPR's Joe Shapiro interview a man who has aspergers syndrome and is proud of it. i dunno why those depictions are so few and far between. I guess seeing the ad in a hospital waiting room is just appealing to their target audience...

I dunno...

mr. broken toe - it really freaking hurts!


The Autism Hub (a www feed of bloggers who reject cures for autism)

Npr.org (search joe shapiro autism)

Not Dead Yet (for mucho info on the string of murders of kids with disabilities.)

and yeah - the photo is from my cell phone. is this the "new internet?"